Why laser cutting machine cutting head heat?

2023-10-10 14:17:22

Laser cutting machine Cutting hair hot? In the process of processing the cutting head of the laser cutting machine, if there is abnormal heat, then it is necessary to find out the reason to judge the solution. Laser cutting machine cutting head overheating, is to produce some effects, need to pay attention to.


1. Laser cutting machine when cutting hair, due to the high energy density of the laser beam, it will produce high temperature in the focus, resulting in the head (one of the key components of the laser cutting machine) hot. This process involves multiple reflections and focusing of the laser beam between the lens and the mirror to form a high-intensity laser beam that is used to cut metal materials. If the lens or mirror inside the head is damaged or polluted, it will lead to the loss of laser beam energy and the reduction of reflection intensity, which will cause the internal temperature to be too high.


2. Laser cutting head and material contact area is too small, laser energy is too concentrated, but also easy to cause hair heat. In the process of processing, there is foreign dust on the focusing mirror, which will also cause the lens to heat after absorbing the laser energy.



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