Why is the speed of the laser cutting machine decreasing?

2024-03-28 17:17:04

The speed decrease of laser cutting machine may be caused by a variety of factors, the following are some common reasons that may cause the cutting speed to decrease:


1, laser power reduction: After a long time of use, the power of the laser may gradually decline, which directly affects the cutting efficiency and speed.


2, focusing position problem: if the focus spot diameter is too large, it will cause the slit to widen, thus affecting the cutting speed. Improper focus position can also reduce cutting efficiency.


3, improper distance between the nozzle and the workpiece: the distance between the machining workpiece and the nozzle is not suitable (too far or too close) will affect the cutting effect, the ideal distance is usually about 0.8mm.


4, improper auxiliary gas Settings: the size of the auxiliary gas and the air pressure Settings do not affect the cutting efficiency, especially when the thickness of the processed material changes or the cutting speed is adjusted, the air pressure needs to be adjusted accordingly.


5, cutting material characteristics: the density, thickness or reflectivity of the cutting material increases, which will make the cutting more difficult and slow down the speed.


6, equipment aging or overuse: long-term continuous work or lack of proper maintenance, will reduce the overall performance of the equipment, including the guide rail, drive system and other mechanical parts wear, affecting the cutting speed.


7, cutting parameter Settings: inappropriate cutting speed, power, gas pressure and other parameter Settings, may also lead to reduced cutting efficiency.


8, software or control system problems: equipment control software or hardware failure may also affect the cutting speed and accuracy.


Solutions include regular inspection and maintenance of the laser, adjustment of cutting parameters to optimal, ensuring the correct distance between the nozzle and the workpiece, timely replacement or cleaning of optical components, and necessary equipment upgrades or repairs. In addition, following the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines and carrying out regular professional maintenance is also the key to ensuring the efficient operation of the equipment.

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