What are the dust prevention measures of laser cutting machine?

2024-06-07 17:40:46

1. Industrial dust dust treatment:


Industrial dust removal refers to the selection of suitable laser cutting dust removal equipment in the processing process to effectively deal with dust.


The specific working principle is: the laser cutting console is set with dust removal cover, and the dust removal box of the laser cutting dust removal equipment is collected through the pipeline, so that the cutting dust will not spread to the workshop, not only to ensure the cleaning of the working parts, reduce the risk of pollution of the precision parts of the machine, and ensure the health problems of workers.


In short, if your company wants to configure a laser cutting machine or laser cutting machine, it is recommended that you also install professional laser cutting dust removal equipment!


2. Air circulation and mechanical ventilation:


Air circulation, generally in outdoor cutting work or open space cutting. The common mechanical ventilation in indoor laser cutting work, that is, through the fan installed on the wall or ceiling, to achieve the purpose of reducing the dust concentration in the workshop.


Although the cost is lower, the dust removal efficiency is lower, and the workshop conditions generally do not meet the EIA standards.

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