What are the common consumables of laser cutting machine?

2023-11-07 15:31:35

1. Nozzle and cutting nozzle

Nozzle: is a key component in the laser cutting machine, used to guide the laser beam and protect the laser head. The common nozzle materials are copper, stainless steel, etc., and are divided into single and double layer structures to adapt to different cutting needs. For example, copper nozzles are widely used because of their good thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.

Cutting tip: As a part directly involved in cutting in the laser cutting machine, its quality and performance directly affect the cutting effect. The cutting nozzle needs to be replaced regularly to ensure cutting accuracy and stability.

2. Laser tube

CO2 laser tube: It is one of the main consumables of CO2 laser cutting machine, and its power range is wide, ranging from tens of watts to hundreds of watts. The quality and stability of the laser tube directly affect the performance and life of the cutting machine.

Fiber laser tube: With the continuous development of fiber laser technology, fiber laser tube has gradually become an important consumable for laser cutting machine. Fiber laser tube has the advantages of good beam quality, high stability and low maintenance cost.

3. Lenses and mirrors

Lenses: including focusing mirrors, protective mirrors, etc., used to focus the laser beam and protect the laser system from contamination. Lenses need to be cleaned and replaced regularly to ensure cutting quality and system safety.

Mirror: Used to guide the laser beam transmission inside the cutting machine, its accuracy and stability have an important impact on the cutting effect.

4. Cut auxiliary materials

Cutting gas: such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc., used to assist the laser cutting process, improve the cutting speed and quality. Different materials and thickness of the workpiece need to choose the appropriate cutting gas.

Coolant: In some laser cutting processes, coolant needs to be used to reduce the workpiece temperature and prevent thermal deformation and cracking.

5. Other consumables

Insulation ring, ceramic ring, etc. : used to protect the internal structure and circuit of the laser cutting machine to prevent damage due to high temperature or electric shock.

Filter element: used to filter the dust and impurities generated in the cutting process to keep the cutting environment clean and the normal operation of the equipment.

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