Laser cutting machine cutting surface problem

2024-03-21 15:42:58

1, cut impenetrable: this may be due to insufficient laser power, cutting speed is too fast, focusing mirror or mirror pollution, focusing mirror damage, improper focal length, laser optical path deviation, voltage instability, laser current is small, material reflectivity is high, nozzle blockage, auxiliary gas pressure is insufficient or cooling system efficiency is low.


2, wavy or vibration marks: the cutting surface appears wavy texture, which may be due to mechanical vibration, such as external vibration caused by water tank, exhaust fan, etc., or internal mechanical vibration caused by gear slip and improper installation of guide rail.


3, the cutting surface is rough and not smooth: it may be improper setting of cutting parameters, poor laser focusing, improper use of auxiliary gases, wear or pollution of mechanical parts, or the influence of working environmental factors.


4, hanging slag: in the cutting hole or small area, due to poor heat dissipation, laser focus deviation, insufficient air pressure, improper cutting speed and other reasons, the material slag may adhere to the cutting surface.


5, overburning or heat affected area is too large: cutting speed is too slow or power is too high may lead to overheating of the material, the formation of overburning area, so that the cutting surface blackened, affecting the physical properties of the material.


6, diagonal stripes or uneven cutting: cutting speed, laser power or air pressure setting may lead to diagonal lines or uneven cutting marks on the cutting surface.


7, burr: The cutting edge appears redundant material protrtions, usually caused by cutting parameters, auxiliary gas or equipment maintenance problems.


In response to these problems, the laser cutting machine needs to be carefully inspected and adjusted, including optimizing cutting parameters, maintaining optical and mechanical components, ensuring a stable supply of auxiliary gases, and improving the working environment.



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