How to choose the correct CNC press brake mold

2024-07-31 09:57:34

For the original CNC press brake mold accuracy and service life are very good, under normal circumstances can be used for about 100 hours of time, when the original supporting mold is damaged, we should choose the original mold to replace. This has great benefits for the processing efficiency and the bending machine itself. It is not difficult to choose the original mold, because the manufacturer will print its own number on a certain part of the mold in order to protect its products, so that it can prevent other manufacturers from copying their own products. Therefore, if we want to buy such a mold, we only need to check the number of the original old mold.

CNC press brake mold

The quality and performance of mold products are very superior, but its price is also much higher than the general market of mold products, which increases the user's processing cost intangibly, so many times users prefer to choose some ordinary brand mold products in order to reduce costs.

Remember to shop around when choosing molds, if it is the first time to cooperate, you can purchase a little trial to see if their performance can meet the needs. Consider long-term, large-scale cooperation later.

press brake tools

No matter what the product is, it is necessary to sign a contract with the supplier, because the state of the mold itself directly affects the processing effect, if we buy fake and shoddy products, our losses are very large, so we should remember to sign a contract with the manufacturer, subdivide the responsibilities and obligations of the two sides, and prevent problems in the future.

For large users, it is very important to have a long-term cooperation with CNC press brake tools suppliers, if you choose one or two of the many suppliers to do a good job, you can lay the foundation for your own supply chain.

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