How to adjust the power of laser cutting machine?

2024-05-15 14:38:58

1. Boot preheating: first turn on the power switch of the laser cutting machine, let the machine enter the preheating stage, until it reaches a stable working state. Preheating helps protect the laser and ensures stable output power.


2. Access control panel: use the control panel of the laser cutting machine to adjust. Most modern laser cutters are equipped with a digital control interface that allows users to intuitively adjust various parameters, including laser power.


3. Adjust the power Settings: Find the adjustment option for the laser power in the control panel. Usually, you can enter the desired power value directly or adjust it using the up and down buttons. At the beginning, it is recommended to start with the minimum power Settings recommended by the equipment manual and gradually adjust them for specific cutting tasks and materials.


4. Adjust other parameters: laser cutting effect is not only affected by power, cutting speed, frequency, gas pressure and other parameters are also very important. Depending on the thickness of the material, the material, and the desired cutting quality and speed, it may be necessary to adjust these parameters simultaneously.


5. Test and fine tuning: before formal cutting, first test cutting on the same or similar materials to observe the cutting effect. If the cutting quality is found to be poor (such as edge burrs, overburning or incomplete cutting), adjust the power or other relevant parameters according to the actual situation.


6. Record setting: once the ideal cutting parameter combination is found, record it for quick setting when performing similar tasks in the future.


Note that when adjusting the laser power, follow the safe operating procedures, avoid direct visual laser beam, and ensure that all protective measures are in place. If you are not sure how to adjust, it is best to consult the equipment supplier or professional technical support.

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